Washing the engine

Steam and water cleaning older engines with fuel injection is always a little bit risky. Humidity getting into some parts can make re-starting a challenge. Note that we don't speak of permanent damage, only that you'll have to wait or dry those parts with compressed air. If you do this yourself, there's no problem, but at a garage, when other cars queue up behind you, it can be bothersome.

Oil Additives

The advice is plain and simple: never use them! There are many oil additives and so called engine treatments (often sarcastically referred to as snake oils) available on the market but they all share one thing in common: none of them was ever proven to be advantageous, actual tests found quite the contrary more than once. Manufacturers routinely claim that independent laboratories tested their products scientifically but they don't rush to disclose the names of those laboratories or the circumstances under which the tests were conducted.

Engine oils

The primary job of the oil you put into your engine is to stop the various metal surfaces from grinding together, causing rapid wear of the parts. At the same time it has to dissipate the heat generated from friction, to transfer part of the heat of combustion away, to hold the byproducts of the combustion in suspension, not allowing them to stick to the engine parts. The oil has to comply with all these requirements under significant pressure and a wide range of temperatures ranging from the chilled engine in a winter morning to the high temperatures in an operating engine.

Engine Variations

All gasoline engines are four-cylinder, aluminum alloy, in-line, overhead camshaft, water cooled engines mounted transversely. The engine type can be found on the engine number and manufacturer's plates.

Gasoline engines

1124 ccm gasoline engines

A few models exported to Italy and Greece were fitted with engines normally used only in the AX.

Főbb változások

A BX-et csak egyszer alakították át lényegesen gyártása során, amikor 1986-ban bemutatták az II. sorozatot (elméletileg 1986. július 1-jétől, vagyis a 3522-es organizációs számtól, de tudunk júniusi, II. sorozatú BX-ekről is). Habár számos különbség van a két sorozat között, két eltérés annyira feltűnő, hogy ennek alapján könnyedén megkülönböztethetjük őket:
